Career Pathways » Business: Marketing/Finance

Business: Marketing/Finance

Business: Marketing & Finance 

In this pathway, students learn skills to excel in a modern workplace, including concepts and careers in marketing, economics, market research, sales, and entrepreneurship. Finance courses prepare students to make informed personal financial decisions about budgets, credit management, insurance and taxes to foster financial independence.  

Students seriously considering a career in business can take up to advanced level accounting courses to graduate near career ready.  

To help students dream and plan for their future careers, Cooperative Education courses expose students to a variety of career opportunities, work philosophies and environments.   


Finance Courses 

Personal Finance 

Accounting I & II 

Cooperative Education 


Other business courses prepare students to meet the challenges of leadership in today’s complex global environment.  Students can learn valuable marketing skills that will equip them to excel in a corporate or entrepreneurial setting. Through a variety of partnerships, like DECA and FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), students can practice applying their skills through partnered events and competitions, as well as receive scholarship, award, job and travel opportunities. 


Marketing Courses 

Leadership in the Workplace 


Entertainment & Sports Marketing  

Fundamentals of Marketing  

Advanced Marketing  

Fundamentals of Marketing  

Supervised Marketing