A Note from CPA: Students as first-time voters, March 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016, was an election day in Missouri and Illinois. Registered voters went to the polls to cast their vote in the presidential primaries. Basically, voters had a chance to say who they want to see as the candidates for the next president of the United States. The general election is Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

At Confluence Preparatory Academy, some of our seniors are eligible to vote, making them first-time voters. So, we asked the question: Why are you voting today?

We did not ask who they were voting for; it’s their choice. We wanted to know why students, as young adults, were exercising their rights as citizens to cast a vote in an election.

Here’s what we learned:

“I voted specifically because I want to see change in America, and want to see change for the better and I didn’t want Donald Trump as president.”  

“I voted because my mother forced me to vote. Also, I trust Bernie Sanders, Hillary is liar and I really didn’t want Donald Trump.”

“Because I’m 18 and ready to vote. It’s a new experience.”

“We fought for our right to vote. I’m not going to waste it!”

While speaking to students to ask the question, a couple of teachers shared their thoughts:

“I voted because it’s my civic duty…and because the primaries are one of the only chances you get to vote for the candidate you actually want. In my case, the candidate I voted for won’t be on the November ballot, so yesterday was the only chance I could have at that.”

“You can’t complain if you don’t vote. Now I can complain!”


PLEASE NOTE: We left out names and job titles to respect everyone’s personal choices. We appreciate their willingness to share. Thank you!